A folia do Carnaval movimentou a economia, gerou empregos e atraiu visitantes em todas as regiões do Brasil.

O Rio de Janeiro teve a estimativa de 1,1 milhão de turistas brasileiros e estrangeiros que aproveitaram a festa, gerando uma movimentação financeira em torno de R$ 3 bilhões.

O Carnaval do Rio de 2018? Estão preparados? No próximo ano, o carnaval começa oficialmente na sexta-feira, dia 9 de fevereiro e termina na terça-feira Gorda, 13 de fevereiro. Caso você chegue ao Rio de Janeiro antes do início oficial do Carnaval, não perca a chance de participar de alguns dos inúmeros eventos que acontecem nesse período na cidade maravilhosa no período pré-carnavalesco.Vale a pena!

Para mais informações ligue para a BACC Travel, (212) 730-1010.




Isaura La Cour is a journalist, perfume specialist, promoter of events and rock bands. She has a very high experience in customer service. Graduated in journalism from Casper Líbero College in São Paulo. She was the editor of two magazines and a tabloid in the economics area of the Federation of Commerce of the State of SP (Fcesp): Revista Problemas Brasileiros, Revista Mercosul and Jornal Síntese. In addition to being a producer of rock bands, she was responsible journalist for magazines specializing in music: Dynamite, On & Off and Planet Music Enterteinment. She works with heavy metal bands from Brazil. Among them, she was production and marketing assistant for the world-famous band from Minas Gerais: Sepultura. Today she has a space reserved in an American program on the web-radio Metal Messiah Radio from Florida, where she divulges heavy metal bands from Brazil to the world. In the 1980s, she was one of the producers of the cultural event “Praça do Rock” in São Paulo alongside the extinct Paulistur. Before specializing in perfumery, she was the editor of the newspaper The Brasilians in New York.

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The Brasilians