Brazil has been attracting more and more foreign visitors. Between January and September 2024, the number of tourists coming from other countries increased by 12% compared to the same period in the previous year, with a record result for the month of September in the entire historical series, which began in 1989: in total, 445,389 travelers landed in Brazil, 26.4% more than in September 2023.

In the first nine months of the year, the country registered 4,897,671 international tourists.

The president of Embratur, Marcelo Freixo, celebrated the achievements. “The result for September was a record, the highest for the month ever, a growth of 26.4% compared to September last year. It is the result of our efforts to promote a greater diversity of destinations and experiences, beyond the sun and beach,” he noted.

“We are showing the world our nature, culture, gastronomy, popular festivals and countless spectacular experiences that only exist in Brazil and can be enjoyed at any time of the year. This strategy reduces the effects of seasonality, increasing the arrival of tourists during the so-called low season. This ensures significant growth in tourism business, sustaining high employment throughout the year,” added Freixo.

The Minister of Tourism, Celso Sabino, assessed the positive scenario for tourism activity in the country. “Brazil has strengthened its brand on the international scene. We have worked to showcase our attractions and destinations, showcasing all the cultural and gastronomic diversity and natural beauty that can only be found here. Our mission is to reach double digits in the number of foreign tourists by 2027,” said Sabino.

Throughout the year, September stands out as the fourth best month for receiving international visitors, behind only January, February and March, the high season period.

Argentina remains the main source of tourists, with more than 1.4 million visitors since the beginning of 2024. In second place, the United States sent more than 518 thousand visitors, followed by Chile, with 454,225. European countries such as France, Portugal, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy and Spain together account for 741,614 tourists who crossed the Atlantic to visit Brazil.


The National Tourism Plan (PNT) 2024-2027, recently launched by the Ministry of Tourism, aims to make Brazil the main tourist destination in South America. The plan establishes the goal of reaching 8.1 million foreign tourists per year, in addition to generating US$ 8.1 billion in revenue from spending by this public. Given the current scenario, the expectation is to surpass the mark of 10 million international visitors during the period.

Source: Embratur

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