The evening of qualifiers in artistic gymnastics in Paris on Sunday (28) proved highly fruitful for Brazil. Combining the team competition, the individual all-around, and the four apparatuses (vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor), the country is sending seven representatives to the medal round.

The highlights were the team, which got the fourth best score, and the multi-medalist Rebeca Andrade, who qualified for four individual finals, in all cases among the three best scores. The team finals will be held on Tuesday (30) and the individual finals on Thursday (Aug. 1).

The team coached by Chico Porath scored 166.499 points, behind the US, Italy, and China. In the individual all-around, Rebeca Andrade had the second highest score, behind Simone Biles of the US. In the floor, Rebeca Andrade again had the second best score, behind Simone Biles.

Flavia Saraiva had the 11th best score and is 10th among the finalists. A US athlete had a better score than Flavia Saraiva, but she could not make the final because the US already had two qualified athletes, and the limit is two per country. For the same reason, another Brazilian, Jade Barbosa, who had the 20th best score, is not competing in the final, which brings together 24 gymnasts.

The uneven bars saw expectations dashed: neither Biles (ninth, with 14.433) nor Andrade (10th, with 14.400) managed to secure a place in the medal race. The two, however, are the first reserves in case another athlete withdraws.

Source: Agência Brasil 

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