In the heart of Vitória, in the Brazilian state Espírito Santo, lies a cultural treasure that reflects the tradition and craftsmanship of Capixaba women: the Association of Paneleiras de Goiabeiras. A visit to this place is not just a tourist experience, but an immersion into the historical roots and cultural heritage of the region!
Clay Pots
Clay pots are a symbol of Espírito Santo’s culture, and their artisanal production has been recognized as intangible cultural heritage by the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN). They are used in the preparation of various local dishes, with the most famous being moqueca capixaba!
These pots are crafted by the paneleiras of the Goiabeiras neighborhood, one of the most traditional in Vitória. And of course, you should visit the neighborhood and pay a visit to the Association of Paneleiras de Goiabeiras. Here, you’ll get to see the entire space dedicated to the artisanal creation of the famous clay pots.
As you walk through the space, you’ll witness every step of the pot-making process. It all starts with clay extracted from the mangroves of Vitória. From there, the paneleiras begin their production, all done by hand! Finally, the products are fired in a ground-level bonfire.
Take the opportunity to support the work of the paneleiras. At the Association, they sell the objects they produce, which go well beyond traditional pots. It’s the perfect souvenir for you to take home!
Urban Mangrove
After visiting the Association of Paneleiras de Goiabeiras, you can further enhance your experience by exploring Brazil’s largest urban mangrove. This can be done by kayak or boat, both options offering unforgettable moments.
You’ll navigate through the mangrove channels while your guide provides valuable information about this rich ecosystem. In addition to seeing firsthand how the mangrove works, the animals that inhabit it, and the vegetation, you’ll learn about the mangrove’s importance to the region.
It’s best to take this tour with a local guide, allowing you to learn from those who live there every day. It’s a rich experience that will stay with you forever!
Plan to spend at least 4 hours to complete this entire tour: visiting the Association of Paneleiras and the mangrove. This way, you can enjoy everything at a relaxed pace! Make the most of this immersion and return home with a clay pot in your suitcase!
Source: Visit Brazil