‘Praça dos Três Poderes’, one of the best-known tourist attractions in Brasília, the capital of Brazil, will be restored. The Ministry of Culture (MinC), through the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (Iphan), announced this Monday (22).

Designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer (1907-2012), the square houses the headquarters buildings of the Three Powers of the Republic: the Planalto Palace, headquarters of the Federal Executive Branch; the palace of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), headquarters of the highest court of the Judiciary; and the Palace of the National Congress, headquarters of the Federal Legislature.

The Minister of Culture, Margareth Menezes, highlighted the importance of the space that forms part of the central structure of Brasília, declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 1987 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco).

“This square is a treasure, it is the most important in the country and needs [restoration], because it has several things to be renovated, such as the flooring issue, some areas that are not aligned, the lighting and other renovation needs. And the degradation, after January 8 [2023]”, recalled Margareth Menezes, in reference to the attack and invasion of the headquarters by manifestants.

The need for renovations at ‘Praça dos Três Poderes’ and the lack of maintenance are highlighted as the main problems by tourists and street vendors.

To Agência Brasil, the seller of miniatures of Brasília buildings and statues and refrigerator magnets for almost two decades, Antônio Monteiro, says that the tourist spot needs to be more looked after. “The square is very beautiful. But, we need a reform, tidying up and avoiding the cars up here, like the cars and buses belonging to the DF police and the military. Our Brasília is very beautiful. We just need to take care of it a little more.”

Source: Agência Brasil

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