In a 17-country online survey conducted by GfK, well over half (59 percent) of people say they prefer a vacation “where I relax and take it easy”. This compares to just over a third (35 percent) who prefer “an active vacation where I do or see lots of things”. Only six percent are not sure which type they prefer.

Brazil, South Korea and Japan lead for favoring relaxing vacations; Italy, France and Spain lead for active holidays.

There is next to no difference between men and women in these preferences. Men are potentially very slightly lazier in their holiday choice than women – standing at 60 percent of men preferring a relaxing vacation, compared to 58 percent of women. But for active holidays, men and women stand neck and neck at 35 percent each.

The presence of children in the household appears to make only limited difference to people’s holiday preferences. For those with children under six years old in the household, or those with children aged between six and twelve, just under two thirds (62 percent) favor relaxing vacations and just over a third favor active ones.

For people with teenagers in the household, relaxing holidays become slightly less popular, falling to 57 percent, while active holidays rise to 39 percent.

The biggest differences we see are when it comes to age groups. Teenagers are the most inclined to favor active holidays, with 43 percent selecting this and 51 percent preferring a relaxing holiday. The preference for active vacations then drops steadily with each age band, en-ding with those aged in their fifties, and those aged 60 or over, both standing at just one third (33 percent) favoring active holidays.

However, the age group with the highest percentage saying they prefer relaxing holidays is not the oldest two age groups – it is those aged in their forties, standing at 64 percent. Compare this to those aged 60 or over, where 57 percent say they favor relaxing vacations.

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