Brazil has lots of stories to tell you. This 517 year-old country has a rich and diversified culture worth knowing. From North to South, you can embark on a journey with lots of sto-ries, art, music and plenty of beauty to be discovered. Below you will find so-me suggestions.

Taypa de Pilão Circuit (São Paulo)

The main idea is to venture in the metropolitan west side of São Paulo and offer guided tours to show the true story of the Bandeirantes, from historical properties designated as landmarks by IPHAN (National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute). The tour comprises six municipalities: Barueri, Carapicuíba, Cotia, Embu, Santana de Parnaíba and São Roque.

Civic Itinerary (Brasília)

Civic tourism aims to provide all tourists the possibility of visiting the capital of all Brazilians. To facilitate and organize the tours, thematic routes were built, such as: Route of Capital antecedents; Route of Brasília Construction; Route of Democracy and National Sovereignty; Route of Culture and Concrete; Route of Brasilia of all People and Nations; and Route of Brasilia City Park.

Farroupilha (Rio Grande do Sul)

The path gives you the possibility to enjoy the culture from Rio Grande do Sul, with the purpose of highlighting the importance of historical facts and personalities of the State. The route of the Farroupilha, Rio Grande do Sul Culture and Tradition path is made up of 12 municipalities, divided into two parts: Costa Doce (Guaíba, Camaquã, São Lourenço do Sul, Pelotas, Rio Grande, São José do Norte and Piratini) and the Rio Grande do Sul Border (Alegrete, Bagé, Santana do Livramento, Rosário do Sul and Caçapava do Sul).

Route of the Cangaço (Alagoas)

The tour of Rota do Cangaço, which offers the sailing through the river by catamaran and trail in the caatinga, seeks to rescue the traditions and cultures of the northeast backlands. The Route of Cangaço starts at the pier of Piranhas/AL, but the departure can also be made from Aracaju/SE.

Surprise, Adventure & Mystery (Piauí)

The itinerary includes tours to enjoy the fauna, flora, houses, handicrafts, cuisine and beaches. It covers visit to locations that are close to the capital, such as Pedro II and the Sete Cidades National Park, and, of course, includes the coastline with a visit to the Delta do Parnaíba. The municipalities that are part of the tour itinerary are: Teresina, Pedro II, Piracuruca, Parnaíba and Luís Correia.

Vale do Acre (Acre)

The itinerary is intended to tell the story of Chico Mendes to transmit knowledge and offer the experience of the everyday life in a rubber plantation. The tour also enables tourists to learn stories of famous social movements that occurred in the 1970s, in the State of Acre.

Historic cities (Sergipe)

Sergipe is one of the most cultural states of the Northeast, due to its great historical heritage. Be sure to visit the towns of São Cristovão (the fourth oldest city of Brazil) and Laranjeiras (also recognized as national historic and artistic heritage by IPHAN).

Royal Paths (Minas Gerais)

The Estrada Real is a sought-after tourist destination. The tours retrace the gold and diamond path, highlighting its heritage and the history of the State of Minas Gerais. Along the way, you will enjoy and learn about several cultural and historical sites in the State.

Viva Chapada Itinerary (Goiás)


The northeast of Goiás gained fame thanks to its fine landscapes, its rivers of crystalline waters and its natural beauty. The itinerary introduces the Chapada National Park and Vale da Lua, among other local places.

Petrópolis (Rio de Janeiro)

Only 65 km from Rio, Petrópolis is home to numerous historical buildings. One of

the most important is the Imperial Museum. The former residence of the Royal family houses furniture and jewelry from former members of the Court. To visit other attractions in the city center, such as the beautiful Cathedral of São Pedro de Alcântara and homes of personalities like Santos Dumont, Rui Barbosa and Princess Elizabeth, it is worth going for horse cart rides, which were adapted and given a carriage touch.

Source: Ministério do Turismo

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