The series “DNA of Crime” recently debuted in the Netflix catalog. Created by Heitor Dhalia and Leonardo Levis, and based on real criminal events, the narrative follows a group of federal agents as they uncover a monumental robbery in the Brazilian border with Paraguai. The protagonists of this project are played by actors Maeve Jinkings and Rômulo Braga.

The first Brazilian police series on the streaming platform, the plot presents an intense dose of action and special effects, exploring the most refined levels of crime and law enforcement in Brazil.

On the one hand, a highly technical police force that employs forensic science to tackle extremely challenging investigations. On the other, criminals with sophisticated methods to plan robberies, control cities and conduct operations that require years of planning and investments in the order of millions of dollars.

“The series shows another side of crime in Brazil, a border crime that is very little explored in audiovisual fiction stories. We used a transnational robbery, which takes place in Paraguay, as our reference and inspiration for the beginning of the series, which unfolds in the dispute between two antagonistic, highly sophisticated forces, on a South American board with developments in other organized crimes”, says Heitor Dhalia, creator and general director of the series.

The Narrative

With eight episodes, the Brazilian production unfolds after a robbery of enormous proportions hits the installation of a securities insurance company in Ciudad del Este.

Federal police officers from the Foz do Iguaçu police station begin a complex investigation, following clues that connect criminals from both countries not only in this robbery, but also in other criminal acts.

True events

In April 2017, a crime occurred in Ciudad del Este, a city bordering Foz do Iguaçu and Puerto Iguazú, in Argentina. A group made up of 50 individuals invaded the headquarters of a cash transport company, detonated a safe and stole approximately R$125 million.

The opening of the safe was carried out by the group using explosives and anti-aircraft rifles, with the perpetrators being affiliated with the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC). The assault lasted more than three hours, with part of the action recorded on amateur videos.


With Maeve Jinkings as the protagonist Suellen and Rômulo Braga in the role of Benício, the cast also features renowned talents from Brazilian cinema, including Thomás Aquino as Sem Alma and Guilherme Faria playing Toreto. In addition, the cast includes Miguel Nader and Pedro Caetano.

Source: CNN Brasil 

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