Aiming to intensity the fight against the trafficking of drugs, weapons and persons and the repression of financial crime, Brazil and the United States ratified multiple bilateral agreements during a trip to Washington DC recently. The mission was led by Brazilian Justice and Public Security Minister Torquato Jardim.

According to Jardim, the agreements cover technology transfers and measures to strengthen the fight against transnational crime. “Technology is critical when we think about the extent of the crimes, criminal organizations and international relations involved. It is of little use to just hold a public tender and hire more professionals when you need to operate satellites and drones and manage 17,000 km of land border,” the minister explained.

In addition to the importance of modernizing the system, Jardim highlighted the ongoing integration process between the different agencies that operate under the justice ministry – including the Federal Police (PF), the Federal Highway Police (PRF), the National Secretariat of Public Security (Senasp), the National Penitentiary Department and the National Indian Foundation (Funai).

The mission also guaranteed the return of the Brazilian Federal Police to the Ameripol, an organization linked to the Organization of American States (OAS) that brings together police agencies from various countries of the continent.

Source: BrazilGovnews

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