AUGUST 9, 2022
New York, August 9, 2022 – For the third consecutive year, BR Day New York, a huge Brazilian party that occupies several blocks of Sixth Avenue, in Midtown, Manhattan, had to be canceled. The event, which has celebrated Brazil’s Independence for 34 years with musical concerts, Brazilian food, and culture, was scheduled to take place on September 4th, the Sunday before Labor Day, as usual.
It is worth mentioning, however, that the traditional street fair at Sixth Avenue will take place. Only the musical performances have been canceled.
The party organizers decided to suspend the shows due to a combination of factors that created an unfavorable scenario for an event like that.

“We think it’s irresponsible to allow a crowd of 1.5 million people to gather knowing that many people can get sick from one or another disease”, he says.
Mr. De Matos also cites as another reason for the suspension of the party the recent demonstrations due to the presidential elections in Brazil next October.
“This will be one of the most polarized elections – if not the most – in Brazil’s history. As a result, many demonstrations are taking place, including outside Brazil. BR Day, due to its popularity and proximity to the election day (October 2nd), could become a scenario for protests and demonstrations that could result in conflicts”.
He adds that this situation would require extra safety procedures.
“It was the first time that the NYPD mentioned the need to put another type of police at the event, a special team to contain possible riots.
This scared us a little bit. BR Day has always been a very peaceful party”.
Finally, Mr. De Matos mentions logistical issues.
“BR Day is a large event, which involves many people coming from Brazil.
Normally we must transport around 120 people in two days. With all the issues involving the airline industry now, it would be almost impossible to accomplish this goal in this short period of time”.
“Br Day requires a lot of organization and planning. But how to plan with so many ups and downs, so many uncertainties that we are living now?”, he concludes.
BR Day New York
The event, which is the largest Brazilian party abroad, was created in
1984 at 46th Street, also known as “Little Brazil”, by João de Matos and a group of Brazilians who wanted to celebrate Brazil’s Independence Day and feel closer to their homeland. As more and more people attended the event over the years, the festivities had to be expanded to Sixth Avenue. Today, BR Day New York is a complex event that takes place every Sunday before Labor Day, gathering annually more than 1.5 million people. Many of those who attend the festivity come from neighboring states. This incredible audience, waving their flags and wearing the green and yellow colors of Brazil, makes the party even more special.