Aracajú is located in the state of Sergipe, in the Brazilian Northeastern region. It goes without saying that the beaches there reserve some peace and quiet, fun and joyful times in a beautiful scenario of dunes, coconut trees and lukewarm waters.
But Aracajú is not only about beaches. The city is one of the best capitals for quality of life in the country. Modern, young, tranquil, full of bicycle paths and very well planned, the destination has roads projected to end at the Sergipe River, which crosses the city and flows into the sea.
Aracajú has become an excellent tourist destination for the quality of its attractions and overall tranquility.
The Atalaia Coast is a great complex of entertainment, hotels and restaurants. That is where the Oceanarium is located, with its 18 tanks displaying a number of species of the Brazilian marine fauna, administrated by the Projeto Tamar, a benchmark project of sea turtle preservation in Brazil.

Use the riverbank to take a stroll around the historical capital, starting at the Bridge of the Emperor. At the Historical Center you will find churches, monuments, mu-seums, shopping centers and craftworks.
To indulge in the local cuisine flavors you must visit the Popular Market of Aracajú. Try the tropical fruits and the dishes made of shellfish, such as crabs, a symbol of the local cuisine. There you will also get to know the cultural diversity of the place by clothing and embroidery.
June is marked by the festivities that celebrate some of the country’s main patron Saints of the month, such as Saint Anthony, Saint Peter, Saint John and Saint Paul.
The event has a scenic setting, delicious typical foods, and lively quadrilhas, a group dance inspired by the European quadrilles that reenacts a mock wedding and which is very common in the Festas Juninas.