The Brazilian Game Companies Association (Abragames), with collaboration of the consulting firm Nordicity, has released a new report outlining the Brazilian Industry for Video Games. Titled “The Golden Opportunity: How Brazil Can Leapfrog into a Global Leader in Video Games”, this “white paper” gives an overview of the current state and the potential of this industry in Brazil. The report found that the Video Games industry is in a state of constant change due to the fast pace of technological innovation and changing consumer trends in a market that is worth USD 184 billion globally.

According to the report, Brazil is well-positioned to benefit from this evolving market as it is the largest market for games in Latin America and the 10th largest worldwide. In 2022, Brazilian game companies have reported a revenue of $USD 251.6 million. In total, this sector has 1,042 different game developers, which employ approximately 13,000 people, mostly in the states of Rio the Janeiro and São Paulo. Another positive aspect highlighted in the report is that Brazilian game companies are well regarded internationally for their skills in art direction and engineering and that there is interest for games that explore the unique cultural heritage and history of the country.

Source: Consulate General of Brazil NY

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