Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said on Tuesday (19) that the fight against climate change and inequality are the main challenges to be overcome by world leaders. During the debate of heads of state at the 78th United Nations (UN) General Assembly in New York, he recalled the first time he took part in the event, back in 2003.

“I return today to say that I still have my unwavering confidence in humanity. At that time, the world had not yet realized how serious the climate crisis was. Today, it knocks on our doors, destroys our homes, our cities, our countries, kills, and brings loss and suffering to our brothers and sisters, especially the poorest,” the Latin American leader stated.

In order to overcome inequalities, he said, the resignation and lack of political will of those who govern the world must be overcome.

“Today, hunger—the central theme of my speech in this world parliament 20 years ago—affects 735 million human beings who will go to bed tonight not knowing if they will have anything to eat tomorrow. The world is increasingly unequal. The top ten billionaires have more wealth than the poorest 40 percent of humanity,” he added.

The Brazilian government delivers the first speech at the UN General Assembly, followed by the President of the US, a tradition that dates back to the organization’s beginnings in the late 1940s.

This is the eighth time that President Lula opens the debate of heads of state.

During his two previous terms in office, he took part in the event every year between 2003 and 2009. In 2010, he was represented by then Foreign Minister and current Special Advisor to the President Celso Amorim.

Source: Agência Brasil

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